Bryson Wilkins

  • Bryson Wilkins – Suches, Georgia          

  • Interviewed on January 9, 2017

My parents found Mr. Wilkins because they knew him as a customer in their business in Lumpkin County, Georgia. When they mentioned to him about my research, he told them that his father Howard Carter Wilkins, now deceased, had been a conjurer and that he had many memories of it. When I interviewed Mr. Wilkins, he brought photos of his father. He was very eager to share the stories and took pride in being able to help document the legacy of his father.

He told a story about a welder who came to their home in the middle of the night with his eyes severely burned, screaming in pain. His father conjured the fire from the man’s eyes, and before he left, the man was well. He also told a story about a car accident in the county. Mr. Wilkins and his father and mother were driving and saw the accident happen. It was before 911 services and paramedics were available in the area. Mr. Wilkins said as soon as they saw the accident, his mother turned to his father and said, “Go!” His father went and found a girl in the accident bleeding profusely and began conjuring her blood to stop. He rode with her in the ambulance when it arrived, and when they got to the hospital, he asked the doctor, “Do you believe?” The doctor knew what he meant and said, “Yes,” and Mr. Wilkins’s father handed her off to the doctor. The doctor came out a while later and said that Mr. Wilkins’s father saved her life and that she would have bled to death at the scene of the accident if he hadn’t been there.

Mr. Wilkins said that he does not have the gift to conjure because his dad could not pass it to him because they were related, but that his dad did pass it on before he died. When his father was near death in the hospital, he told Bryson to go find a woman who believed. Bryson found a nurse who came to his father’s bedside. Bryson left the room, and his father passed on his healing gift to this woman. Bryson said she was crying when she came out of the room. His father soon died in Bryson’s arms.